The white painted vertical timber slats, joined together by two long timbers, one top, one bottom, swayed gently in time with her rocking back and forth as Lucy sat on the low fence post joining a series of timbers, just watching. The dog behind her growled but spluttered and coughed, a long chain clipped to its choke chain collar tightening as it tugged, gouging out the dirt of the yard. Oblivious, the heels of Lucy’s shoes bumped a thumping rhythm on the post. Grey skirt, red shirt, grey socks rolled untidily around her ankles, her school uniform. Bruised knees. Brown leather school bag dusty at her feet held so tightly between dusty lace up shoes. Scuffed toes scraping dirt and stones. Maybe she had a fear of snatchers, anything for a laugh, that was her school, one that appeared to despise newcomers. If you were to ask, at this precise moment, at the end of her first week, what she thought of this Monday’s school day she would say, pretty ugly . The tears she felt like ...