Bucket of Colours and some Grey
Bucket of Colours and some Grey
knows the man’s name. He just appears from time to time. Anywhere. It could be
anywhere. Anywhere he is needed. He is a tall man. Very thin with extremely
long unkept blond hair. His cloths very casual. Slacks, shirt and a very long
coat reaching down to below his knees. Everything is colourful. Could be any
colour at any time. Always happy. In fact he is always very happy. Laughs and
smiles enormously. His world is so bright. So colourful. If you imagine you can
collect a bucket full of all the brightest colours and throw them into the air
you would quickly appreciate the view of the world through his eyes. He has
happiness in abundance. Has the whole essence of the world flowing through his
body filling him with a vibrancy that just simply exudes pleasure. There is no
need to describe his face. Simply picture a face showing pure joy and there you
have it.
greets people with a rousing flourish slapping them on the back and leaving
them with a feeling their day has been lifted. Everybody likes him but nobody
knows him. He is strolling along the road. A road filled with extremely posh
houses. The posh part of town. Everything so full of colour. He sees all the
colours. And then he notices amongst all that colour one small patch of grey.
Almost a hole in his landscape. The scene only he can see. Grey. A grey house
with a grey garden and standing at the grey front gate a small grey child. He
stops and looks long and hard at the so out of place scene. The child just
standing motionless a look of abandonment on his face. The man reaches out but
there is no response. He reaches out again with both hands. His hands hold the
hands of the child. The child looks up and smiles. As though something is about
to happen. One last look, a knowing smile and he leaves. He feels slightly
subdued. As though some of his power has passed out of him.
stops at a park bench quite near the grey house and sits down. Next to him sits
a lady reading a copy of the local newspaper. He can see the headline. “Bodies
of the Company Executive and his wife missing from yesterday’s power boat
accident are recovered. The search is still continuing for their missing son.”
The lady sees him looking and simply says “so tragic. They only lived around
the corner.” He gets up and leaves walking slowly through the park.
next day he walks down the same road with all the same posh houses. He comes to
the place where the grey house stood. Now it is all colourful. The house is
smart as though it had been painted no more than a month ago. The front door is
bright orange. The gate where the child had stood is yellow. A vibrant very
bright yellow. The child has gone.
stops at the same bench. The same lady is there reading her newspaper. She
welcomes him and shows him the headline which reads “Body of the young boy
missing from the recent speed boat accident has been found.” She looks at the
man and he can detect a tear in her eye. She looks at him and says “he was such
a nice young lad. Only lived over there.”
is clearly a very tragic event. But the man understands. He knows. He had felt
the tragedy. He knows that although it is very tragic it is a consequence of
living. Things can happen at any time to anyone. The real tragedy is getting
lost. Detached from those you love. Those who care for you the most. Stranded because
of a consequence of being separated. Lost. Needing help to be found. The finding
that will return you to your family so you are able to continue where you left
off. Be happy but just somewhere different. Maybe somewhere better.
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